Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It's November 15, 2011 and the weather is AMAZING. I've been able to have the windows open two days in a row and the thermostat actually went up. I really wish for a winter with no snow. Well, maybe one or two, but that's it. The only way I enjoy snow now that I'm older and have responsibilities is if Kyle and I have food in the house and neither of us have to go anywhere. Stay cuddled under blankets and watch movies or read books. Oh and falling snow makes everything seem peaceful and quiet. But when I have to drive in it...blah. That's where I just don't. Anyway, I captioned this post 'Thankful' and I'm not really sounding thankful. I am so grateful that where I live can experience all 4 seasons God has given us. As much as I can't stand the snow I can't imagine what Christmas time would be like without it. I absolutely love fall. The changing colors of the leaves, the briskness in the air, hoodies and sweatpants, apple cider and Thanksgiving.
This will be the first year I will need to coordinate my holidays with both my family AND Kyle's family. Sure, when we were dating it was complicated too, but this will be our first Christmas together and though family is important, I don't want to get so stressed out about pleasing and seeing everybody and forget about us. It sounds strange but we're our own family now, even if it is just the two of us. All that said, I'm thankful for the family we both have. We were both blessed with truly amazing family members.
I am also very thankful for days off!! Kyle has been working over time for the past month and a half or so and I finally convinced him to use up some of his vacation days. Him and my dad are the same....hard working, no time to take a break blah blah blah. Yes, that's very respectable but if you can't stop and smell the roses every so often then what's the point? So he has two days off this week and we're gonna stay overnight in a hotel 15 minutes away and indulge in their jacuzzi tub. (PS- I'm so adding a jacuzzi tub to the dream house wish list). Hopefully this mini vacation from work will help him relax a bit and give him some "me time".
I'm thankful for Thanksgiving break. My amazing friends are coming home for a week or so and I am so excited. Meghan lives up the road from me and we have so many plans already. I'm going to some concerts with another friend and of course I get to see family and eat yummy food!

Random: Our power went out for about an hour today and even though I had tons of fun lighting all my candles, I am so thankful for electricity! Walking around in the dark really is no fun.

And so ends another post...
random and scatterbrained as usual.

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