Sunday, May 13, 2012

Loving my life

     May through June was always a busy time for my family. Between birthdays and anniversary's...well now that I'm married, it's even busier! We're adding Kyle's birthday and our anniversary, more birthdays from his's crazy! And this year to make it just a little MORE crazy, my best friend graduated from college and my little brother is graduating highschool in about two weeks.
     So last week, Kyle and I drove down to West Virginia to visit and witness Meghan's graduation from college. It was Kyle's longest driving trip to date and he drove ALL but about 30 miles, I was so proud of him. The scenery was the usual trees and road and grass and cars. But then we hit the main road going west and there were so many gorgeous amazing mountains. It was awesome to look at. The road was quite twisty and turny but there were hardly any cars out and it was just plain beautiful. I'm kind of jealous of Meghan, because she got to experience that scenery several times a year in different seasons. But anyway, we booked a night in a hotel across the road from the school and we got to go out for lunch with her and her family. Then we watched one of their graduation programs. It was a really nice ceremony, the speeches were interesting and inspiring and the music was lovely. Then, unfortunately we had to leave soon after that. So we said our goodbyes, packed up some of her stuff and hit the road again. We had plans to meet my other friend in Virginia. I was to hop in her car and head down to North Carolina and Kyle was to head back home! Phew. Well around 8 that night it worked out perfectly. So I was headed down south and Kyle up north and he arrived home around midnight and we didn't get to our hotel until around 2. It was a long day.
     The reason I was headed to North Carolina? Carolina Rebellion!! We were at the Rockingham Speedway where they had 3 stages and non stop music for over 12 hours. It was 93 degrees, there were about 35,000 people and honestly it was pretty miserable after awhile. My friend and I decided to stand as close to the stage as we could for our favorite band, Chevelle. And if it wasn't hot and claustrophobic enough, as soon as the band started playing, people went crazy and started crowdsurfing. And being in the front, you had to keep a lookout otherwise you'll get a body on top of you or a foot in your face. Thankfully none of this happened, and as soon as Chevelle was done we went to a less crowded area. All in all, the experience was awesome. Seeing a bunch of my favorite bands in one place at one time. Not sure I'd make it an annual thing but it was still fun.
     So now that I'm back at home, my friends are finishing their semester at college and coming home for summer( or forever :-) ) and my birthday and anniversary are coming up among plenty other fun things to celebrate. It will be busy, but I definitely won't be bored!!
     Also, people keep bringing up babies. We want one so bad, yet we want to be more stable and in our own house, blah blah blah ;) I know it's smarter, but anyway, we're just really excited for when the time comes. That's all.

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